The Institute of Sociophysiology
“Le point qui [est] commun à un être et à un autre” (Proust, Le Temps retrouvé, 1, Paris, Gallimard, 1927, p. 33), such that “derrière chaque action, chaque être, une autre action, un autre être” (ibid., Albertine disparue, Paris, Gallimard, 1925, pp. 244–245); the analysis and clitalysis (q.v.) of A as practiced viz. at CACA is precisely “ce travail [...] de chercher à apercevoir sous de la matière, sous de l’expérience, sous des mots quelque chose de différent” (ibid., Le Temps retrouvé, 2, Paris, Gallimard, 1927, p. 44).
aerolexist paperism
Species of word-production in which subjectivity submits to the domineering impulsions of word-consumption’s objectivity, thus
WP = OWC/S. (1)
See lexical ecology.
arist wordism
Species of word-consumption in which objectivity submits to the dominating subjectivity of word-production, thus
WC = SWP/O. (2)
See lexical ecology.
the resonance of character
Sociophysiological process of roussellian chromolexicography (RouChroLex) often involving the application of Roussellian Manipulant (RouMan®) to the long sturdy shaft of a Roussellian Lexicographical (RouLex®) column [Swopes 1997] in order to tease out the be(com)ing of various clitalytic strains (q.v.) In the more cacographical situation of translexicalia (q.v.), C often substitutes for “schizomythological analysis” (q.v.).
clitalytic strain
product of clitalysis
set (S) containing exactly two (2) lexical ecological elements (εLE) such that the dialexical set SDX = {εLE1, εLE2}
“Avatar d’un noyau vital dont la divulgation s’affirmait tabou” (G. Perec 1969, La disparition). “A sort of morning hour upon all sublunary things, with an army of shadows running” (R. L. Stevenson 1877, “An apology for idlers”). Voir O. W. Johnson, Divastigations.
Set (S) of lexical ecological elements (εLE) giving S = {εLE1, εLE2, . . . εLEn} while satisfying conditions obtaining within the space of heterolexical subjectivity (σHS) during promiscuous textuality (PT) such that for each and every heterolexical function FHX of the form σHS(SPT1, SPT2,... SPTn), the heterolexical set SHX divastigates polymorphically, yielding logophaneric equilibration (logeq), thus:
FHX(SHX) = logeq.
See also lexical ecology.
heterolexical objectivity
Sociophysiological function of the lexical ecology of promiscuous textuality such that any heterolexical obbjectivity (HO) of promiscuous textuality (PT) may be achieved by situating PT within the space of HO (σHO) by means of the logophaneric equilibration (logeq) of the lexical ecology (LE) of PT (for all classes or cases or variants of such whether paperist, wordist, or senimalist) for any given set S (whether ordered or no) of lexical ecological elements (εLE) such that S = {εLE1, εLE2,... εLEn}, thus:
HO(PT) = σHO.
For further discussion, see also lexical ecology.
heterolexical subjectivity
Sociophysiological function of the lexical ecology of promiscuous textuality such that any heterolexical subjectivity (HS) of promiscuous textuality (PT) may be achieved by situating PT within the space of HS (σHS) by means of the logophaneric equilibration (logeq) of the lexical ecology (LE) of PT (for all classes or cases or variants of such whether paperist, wordist, or senimalist) for any given set S (whether ordered or no) of lexical ecological elements (εLE) such that S = {εLE1, εLE2,... εLEn}, thus:
HS(PT) = σHS.
For further clarification, see also lexical ecology.
Law of All Words; see lexical ecology.
Lee See of Pe-Word
see LAW
lexical ecology
Ecology of words. According to Spitmarkx’s Law of All Words (LAW), succinctly formulated in the first plumation of his first arrowscript, § 01.01, of his Luftig-Pfeilschriftige Abbildung of 1848 as “Das Wort is alles, was der Faust ist (The word is everything which is the fist — Le mot est tout ce qui c’est le poing),” the subjectivity of word-production mirrors the objectivity of word-consumption, and vice-versa, as shown by
Following Spitmarkx's (1848) observation in § 01.07 that “Eines kann der Faust sein oder nicht der Faust sein und alles übrige gleich bleiben (Any one can either be the fist or not be the fist, and the song remains the same — N’importe lequel pourrait être soit le poing soit pas le poing et la chanson reste quand même),” we at ILE restate the formula in accordance with modern conceptions of LAW; in other words, the sociophysiological process of producing words (SPPW), equivalent to Spitmarkx’s subjectivity of word-production (SWP), is neither more nor less than the sociophysiological process of consuming words (SPCW), equivalent to Spitmarkx’s objectivity of word-production (SWP), as shown by
and substantiated by Proust (1927b: 62) in a process now known as senimality: “En réalité, chaque lecteur est, quand il lit, le propre lecteur de soi-même. L’ouvrage de l’écrivain n’est qu’une espèce d’instrument optique qu’il offre au lecteur afin de lui permettre de discerner ce que, sans ce livre, il n’eût peut-être pas vu en soi-même. La reconnaissance en soi-même, par le lecteur, de ce que dit le livre est la preuve de la vérité de celui-ci, et vice versa, au moins dans une certaine mesure, la différence entre les deux textes pouvant être souvent imputée non à l’auteur mais au lecteur.” Given that SPPW defines paperism (P) and that SPCW restates in other words wordism (W), lexical ecologists at ILE have derived from Spitmarkx’s LAW, the Lexical Conservation of Paperism and Wordism, commonly known by its popular mnemonic as the "Lee See of Pe-Word," such that the senimality (S) intuited by ibid. op. cit. loc. cit. transpires:
P = W → S.
In addition, Spitmarkx (1848) delineated two instances of heterolexicalia, heterolexical subjectivity and heterolexical objectivity. The former obtains where the objectivity of word-consumption dominates, or looms above, word-production, as shown by
which Spitmarkx (1848) gave voice to in the second plumation of the first arrowscript, § 01.02, of his Luftig-Pfeilschriftige Abbildung, as “Das Wort ist der Gesicht der Türspälten, nicht der Dache (The word is the face of doorcracks, not of roofs — Le mot est le visage des interstices sous les portes où le malade qui a été obligé de partir en voyage et a dû coucher dans un hôtel inconnu pourrait apercevoir une raie de jour, et non pas des toits).” Concomitantly, heterolexical objectivity obtains in those cases where the subjectivity of word-production is dominant over word-consumption, as shown by
In despite of the uncountable lustrations of untold lucubrations to which Spitmarkx’s Ur-Text of lexical ecology has been intensively subject to since its primitive plumation in 1848, a disparity of opinion still obtains in regard to whether Spitmarkx would have us glean the above formula from § 01.03, “Das Wort ist durch die Türspälten bestimmt und dadurch, dass es alle Türspälten sind (The word is determined by the doorcracks, and by these being all the doorcracks — Le mot est déterminé par les interstices sous les portes où la raie de jour avait disparu, et ceux-ci sont tous les interstices sous les portes),” or from § 01.06, “Das Wort zerfällt in Türspälten (The word divides into doorcracks — Le mot se divise en interstices sous les portes).” Nevertheless, consensus reigns as to the interpretation of Spitmarkx’s two conclusions contingent upon the formula above: § 01.04, “Denn, der Gesicht der Türspälten bestimmt, was der Faust ist und auch, was alles nicht der Faust ist (For the face of doorcracks determines both what is the fist, and also all that is not the fist — Or, le visage des interstices sous les portes détermine d’un coup, et ce qui c’est le poing, et tout ce qui n’est pas le poing),” and § 01.05, “Die Türspälten im luftige Rauch sind das Wort (The doorcracks in airy smoke are the word — Les interstices sous les portes dans la fumée aérée sont le mot).”

Furthermore, Spitmarkx (1848) § 01.08, “Was der Faust ist, der Türspalt, ist das Blatt von Sandmustern (What is the fist, the doorcrack, is the leaf of sandpatternsQu’est-ce que le poing, c’est l’interstice sous la porte, c’est la feuille dessinée au sable);” § 01.09, “Die Sandmustere ist ein Verhängnis von Gedanken. Schnee, Dächer (Sandpatterns are thoughts’ doom. Snow, roofsLes sable-dessins sont une fatalité de la pensée. Neige, toits);” and § 01.10, “Es ist dem Dach wesentlich, der Bundtraum eines Sandmusters sein zu können (It is essential to a roof that it can be the league-dream of sandpatternsIl est essential pour un toit qu’il pourrait être le partouze-rêve d’un sable-dessin)” clearly dislimn for us arist wordism in which word-consumption is characterized by the submission of its objectivity to the dominating subjectivity of word-production, as shown by

while in aerolexist paperism it is word-production’s subjectivity which submits to the domineering impulsions of word-consumption’s objectivity,
prelimned so exultantly by Spitmarkx (1848) in the last plumation of his first arrowscript, § 01.11, “In der Luft ist nichts zufällig: wenn das Dach im Sandmustere verwandeln kann, so muss die Menschlichkeit des Sandmusters im Dach bereits präjudiziert sein (In the air nothing is accidental: if a roof can change into sandpatterns, the humanness of sandpatterns must already be prejudged in the roofDans l’air, rien n’est par hasard: si le toit peut se transformer en sable-dessin, l’humanité du sable-dessin devrait être déjà préjugé dans le toit),” which quantally inseminates the remaining complement of his Abbilding’s yazdehanity, to which we harken to refer the inquisitive reader. See you in ILE!
lexical economics
Subfield of lexical ecology in which focus of study revolves around fulcral dynamics of paperist and wordist trade between word consumers (wordists) and word producers (paperists) involving promiscuous textuality (PT) which incarminates in a senimality; some say that LE studies specifically heterolexicalia, in particular heterolexical subjectivity and heterolexical objectivity, although this prophylactic has not been approved for use in all lupanars; see LAW and lexical ecology and by all means go to ILE.
Cynical tract of gushing lusts (O. W. Johnson, Divastigations 208). Lucid ductility of glyph and word I construct from what among all my fair parts I lack (O. W. Johnson, Divastigations 96). Nothing so shallow as common instruction, nail biting quill clipping, lack of clarity, bad punctuation, awkward, typographical insults, tragiplayful staging of my inability to mark with my will this blank world (O. W. Johnson, Divastigations 61). Laconically lucid ludicrous lyric; perverse playtext composed under the pretext of playverse; Lydian edict (D. I. Swopes, Words to make a story out of). Fr. lieu-dit ‘place name.’ OFr., Fz. lu-dict ‘read-said’ — Mais par quoi qu’un mot faict d’un mot tu, vaut plus qu’un mot lu d’un mot dict? (O. W. Johnson). Skt. likhitapaṭhita ‘that’s written and read.’ L’attente de métamorphoses successives dont la ductilité, la docilité au travail du langage, à l’aventure verbale, reste sans limites (J. Gracq, 1980, En lisant, en écrivant, p. 139). Dans un lieu unique, une scène continue, sans contraction, sans rupture, sans coupure aucune (ibid., p. 142). Ludir multiplicando la válvula buscada, gozando sus dos hojas anchos como frotan lo oído y lo visto cuando follan los libros. In terms of lexical ecology, ludict augurs an eventual equilibrium between the set of all possible readers and the set of all possible writers, as presaged by Spitmarkx and restated by Herbert Quain, who “solía argumentar que los lectores eran una especie ya extinta. No hay europeo (razonaba) que no sea un escritor, en potencia o en acto. Afirmaba también que de las diversas felicidades que puede ministrar la literatura, la más alta era la invención. Ya que no todos son capaces de esa felicidad, muchos habrán de contentarse con simulacros” (J. L. Borges, Examen de la obra de Herbert Quain).
metamorphic process of study, analysis, clitalysis, and discussion by ICOCM yielding a written Nymphotextual Refutation conferring ORL; see Nymphotextual Refutation
palmate of bodymindspirit
Obsolete term signifying nothing in the context of modern sociophysiological thought, theory, and practice, though, analogically, if body is to soul as mind is to brain as spirit is to thought, then thought is to necortex as brain is to paleocortex as body is to reptilian cortex, with the palmate hand, thus, doing time for body.
sociophysiological process of producing words; see lexical ecology
paperist wordism
Senimality; also known as wordist paperism; in addition, please do not fail to read carefully our entry on lexical ecology.
parsimonious lexicization
sociophysiological process defined by the phrase, “Man, he’s terse!”
sociophysiological process of premier amour
phanerotext; see Phanerotext
similarities charting altarian texts
schizomythological analysis
clitalysis (q.v.) involving similarities charting altarian texts (scat [q.v.]); also known as schizomythological clitalysis, or simply clitalysis (q.v.)
Sociophysiological process involving positive feedback loop between paperism and wordism; known in some schools as paperist wordism, while other circles dub S wordist paperism; see lexical ecology.
Phénomènes physio- et psycho-énergétiques à la base des groupements sociaux [Solvay 1906: 25]. (Physio-energetic and psycho-energetic phenomena at the basis of social groupings.) Liens étroits qui unissent les phénomènes sociologiques aux phénomènes biologiques dont ils dérivent immédiatement [Solvay 1906: 26]. (Close links uniting social phenomena to the biological phenomena from which they immediately derive.) éthologie sociale; énergétique sociale — physiologie des phénomènes réactionnels dus aux excitations mutuelles des individus de même espèce [Waxweiler 1906: 62]. (Social ethology; social energetics — physiology of reactive phenomena caused by the mutual excitations of individuals of the same species.) Physiologische Soziologie — physiologische Seite der Wechselbeziehungen der Menschen als Gegenstand einer besonderen Wissenschaft; reflektorischen Wechselbeziehungen der Menschen [Zeliony 1912: 405–406]. (Physiological sociology — physiological side of human interrelations as the subject of a special science; reciprocal interrelations of humans.) (Sociologie physiologique — côté physiologique des relations interindividuelles des hommes comme objet d'une science particulière; relations interindividuelles réciproques des hommes.) Collaboration de deux sciences voisines: physiologie, sociologie [Mauss 1936: 373]; phénomènes biologico-sociologiques [Mauss 1936: 385]; étude socio-psycho-biologique [Mauss 1936: 386]. Interdisciplinary area for research, which demonstrates the concomitant relationship between physiology and social behavior [Di Mascio et al. 1955: 4]. Intimate relationship and mutual regulation between social and physiological systems that is especially vital in human groups [Barchas 1986: 210]. Interplay between society and physical functioning [Freund 1988: 856]. Describes structure-function relationships for body structures and interactive functions relevant to psychiatric illness [Gardner 1997: 351]. Assumes that psychiatric disorders are pathological variants of the motivation, emotions, and conflict involved in normal communicational processes [Gardner and Price 1999: 247–248]. Sharing of physiology between people involved in a meaningful interaction; synthesis of psychophysiology and social interaction; mutually responsive physiologic engagement having normative function in maintaining social cohesion and well-being in higher social animals; reciprocal, interpersonal physiology [Adler 2002: 884–885]. See ILE's LESP and CACA's CASA.
Sociophysiological Study Proper
written Cryptotextual Thesis of Certification conferring status of ICOCM; see Cryptotextual Thesis of Certification
The multifarious, polymorphous, plurilingual, heterotextual, and often factitious, mendacious, and even spurious nature of reality demanding of its adepts and animals, its creatures as well as its creators, a certain promiscuously translexical facility, or translexicality (q.v.); as Proust (1927b: 37) says, “...pour exprimer ces impressions, pour écrire ce livre essentiel, le seul livre vrai, un grand écrivain n’a pas, dans le sens courant, à l’inventer puisqu’il existe déjà en chacun de nous, mais à le traduire. Le devoir et la tâche d’un écrivain sont ceux d’un traducteur.” (M. Proust, À la recherche du temps perdu, XV. Le temps retrouvé, 2. Paris, Gallimard, 1927, p. 37.) Cf. Translexicalia.
see Translexicalia
see Translexicalia
see Translexicalia
see Translexicalia
see Translexicalia
sociophysiological process of consuming words; see lexical ecology
wordist paperism
Senimality; dubbed, in addition, by some, but not by others or by us, paperist wordism; confused? go to lexical ecology and do not move stray unless asked to do so.
more commonly, yazdehan; sociophysiological process of elevenses