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Heterolexical Subjectivity : Nymphotextuality

Harbors imaginal discs of sociophysiology
Behavioral and cardiophysiological responses of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to confrontations with opposite-sexed strangers
July 2004. Gerber, P. and C.R. Schnell. Primates 45(3):187–196.
One name for the evolutionary baby? A preliminary guide for everyone confused by the chaos of names
March 2004. Mysterud, I. Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales 43(1):95–114.
Comparison of a beholder's response to confrontations involving its pairmate or two unfamiliar conspecifics in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
2002. Gerber, P., Schnell, C.R. and G. Anzenberger. Evolutionary Anthropology 11(Supplement):117–121.
Behavioral and cardiophysiological responses of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to social and environmental changes
July 2002. Gerber, P., Schnell, C.R. and G. Anzenberger. Primates 43(3):201–216.
The brain and communication are basic for clinical human sciences
December 1998. Gardner Jr., R.J. British Journal of Medical Psychology 71(4):493–508.
Effect of environmental enrichment devices on behaviors of single– and group–housed squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
May 1997. Spring, S.E., Clifford, J.O. and D.L. Tomko. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 36(3):72–75.
Seasonality in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), social facilitation by females
October 1996. Schiml, P.A., Mendoza, S.P., Saltzman, W., Lyons, D.M. and W.A. Mason. Physiology and Behavior 60(4):1105–1113.
A review of masticatory ability and efficiency
October 1995. Boretti, G., Bickel, M. and A.H. Geering. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 74(4):400–403.
Empirical studies of group dynamics from the point–of–view of self–organization theory
1995. Tschacher, W. and E.J. Brunner. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 26(2):78–91.
On the suckling behavior and the development of biochemical parameters in piglets kept in a group housing system for sows: preliminary results
May 1995. Puppe, B. and M. Tuchscherer. Berliner und Münchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 108(5):161–166.
Socioregulatory effects on squirrel–monkey pituitary–adrenal activity: a longitudinal analysis of cortisol and ACTH
1994. Lyons, D.M. and S. Levine. Psychoneuroendocrinology 19(3):283–291.
Psychosocial and hormonal aspects of hierarchy formation in groups of male squirrel monkeys
1994. Lyons, D.M., Mendoza, S.P. and W.A. Mason. American Journal of Primatology 32(2):109–122.
Effects of enrichment and housing on cortisol response in juvenile rhesus monkeys
August 1993. Schapiro, S.J., Bloomsmith, M.A., Kessel, A.L. and C.A. Shively. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 37(3):251–263
Distinct immediate and prolonged effects of separation on plasma–cortisol in adult female squirrel monkeys
December 1992. Mendoza, S.P., Hennessy, M.B. and D.M. Lyons. Psychobiology 20(4):300–306.
Breeding readiness in squirrel monkeys: Female–primed females are triggered by males
March 1991. Mendoza, S.P. and W.A. Mason. Physiology and Behavior 49(3):471–479.
Family interventions for schizophrenia
October 1990. TARRIER, N. and BARROWCLOUGH, C. Behavior Modification 14(4):408–440
“Dawson, M. E., Liberman, R. P., & Mintz, L. I. (1989). Sociophysiology of expressed emotion in the course of schizophrenia. In P. Barchoz (Ed.), Sociophysiology of social relationships. New York: Oxford University Press” (436).
The citation above appears to be a confabulation based on Barchas and Mendoza (1984). The passage in the main text to which this reference corresponds runs as follows (pp. 427–428):
“All workers in the area have emphasized the importance of stress and stressful home environments. A series of studies have attempted to examine the effects of the relatives’ EE levels on the patients’ arousal levels (for reviews, see Dawson, Liberman, & Mintz, 1989; Tarrier, 1989a; Turpin, Tarrier, & Sturgeon, 1988). Although the results of these studies are not completely clear, they suggest that, especially during an acute episode, patients who have been living with a high-EE relative have high levels of background tonic arousal and a hyperreactivity to the direct presence of their relative compared to patients living with low-EE relatives [a thicket of citations follows to support this rather unsurprising suggestion].”
Bringing society into the body: Understanding socialized human nature
November 1988. FREUND, P. E. S. Theory and Society 17(6):839–864.
“While this assumption is partially correct, it neglects certain issues. Firstly, even ‘static’ qualities of human bodies need to be addressed by sociologists. Although in many ways societies change and bodies do not, it is possible that some social constraints may exist and can be linked to our physiology. This does not mean an uncritical acceptance of sociobiology or sociophysiology, but that one cannot simply dismiss the question. Amidst societal changes, what physical properties (even if relatively static) allow humans to adapt to such a variety of social forms? Are there any biological constraints that affect social life?” (846).
“Of course, the muscular, neuro-hormonal and other mind-body-society thoroughfares need explication and exploration. A primary issue in the sociology of the body — the complex relationships between the body and social control — requires a physiology of bodily regulation. This can be developed from the literature of newly emerging disciplines such as sociophysiology, or psychophysiology, which have started to elaborate the dynamic borders of mind-body-society relationships” (856–857).
“Berger and Luckmann incorporated some of Buytendijk’s assumptions into their theoretical assumptions about the ‘openness’ of human nature, but they do not explore the ‘social construction of bodies.’ Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann, The Social Construction of Reality (New York: Doubleday, 1966); and Peter Berger’s The Sacred Canopy (New York: Doubleday, 1967). Bergsma uses Buytendijk’s work in his sociology of health and illness but does not pursue his sociophysiological implications. Jurrit Bergsma, Health Care: Its Psychological Dimensions, translated by David Thomasma (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1982). Some of the recent work in sociophysiology does not seem to be aware of his work. Patricia R. Barchas and Sally P. Mendoza, editors, Social Cohesion: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1984), and Patricia Barchas and Sally P. Mendoza, editors, Soclal Hierarchies: Essays Toward a Sociophysiological Perspective (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1983)” (862).
Processing of preconsciously acquired information measured by hemispheric asymmetry and selection accuracy
June 1986. BARCHAS, P.R. and PERLAKI, K.M. Behavioral Neuroscience 100(3):343–349.
“Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Patricia R. Barchas, Program in Sociophysiology, Division of Child Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305” (343).
“The mere exposure paradigm should be adaptable to investigating social processes that rely on information acquired outside conscious awareness, how they are mediated by the brain, and whether they alter elements of brain functioning. If relations such as those reported in this article are substantiated experimentally and with reliability, an avenue should open for studying and developing sociophysiological descriptions of enduring social phenomena such as stereotyping, social comparison processes, and normative behavior” (348).
Social interactions, communications, and the coronary-prone behavior pattern: A psychophysiological study
February 1979. VAN EGEREN, L. F. Psychosomatic Medicine 41(1):2–18.
“A type of game, called the ‘mixed-motive’ game, has been especially attractive to behavioral scientists interested in social interactions. There are four features of these games which are especially pertinent to sociophysiology: (1) the objective interdependency of participants is clearly specified, (2) social acts are discrete and well-defined in time, (3) social acts and their outcomes are distinguished, and (4) skeletal-motor activity is minimal, so that physiological signals of high technical quality may be monitored while the social transactions are in progress” (3).
The concept of action as a measure of living phenomena
September 1949. RUDERFER, M. Science, New Series 110(2854):245–252.
As the nutshell review of sociophysiological processes given on page 250 of this article will be of interest to many in the field, we quote at length, sans guillemets:

2. Psychological factors affect basal metabolism through the reaction of the endocrine system.

a) Pearl, in a study of more than 2,000 individuals who lived to the age of 90 or more (25), was able to find only one significant trait among them, outside of their longevity, wherein the group differed from the rest of mankind as a whole: their calm mental make-up. They all were possessed of a placid temperament, were relaxed, and were rarely worried.

b) Brody points out that mental factors causing insecurity and tension shorten the duration of life in many ways (12).

c) Married persons live considerably longer than unmarried persons (8). The security and regularity of wedded life probably reduce the tension and insecurity that more often accompany the single state, as psychoanalysts and sexologists assert, with a consequent increase in life span of the average married person.

d) Urban dwellers have a much lower life expectancy than rural people, although the gap is gradually decreasing (25). An explanation of this difference may lie in the greater excitement and uncertainty of city life, a major sociophysiological difference between rural and urban life. The fact that newspapers, rapid transport, movies, and the radio are gradually bringing the tension and competitiveness of modern life to rural regions probably accounts for the lessening of the gap.

Where angels fear to tread: A contribution from general sociology to human ethics
June 1943. ALLEE, W. C. Science, New Series 97(2528):517–525.
On page 520, the author cites Reinheimer (1920). It may not be without interest to workers in the field to provide some of the context for this citation:

“Espinas (1878), two years before Kessler’s lecture, had given a similar interpretation which he supported by the best observations then available. Espinas emphasized the naturalness of the cooperative, social drives. Geddes and Thompson reaffirmed a similar conclusion in 1911: ‘We may therefore restate the concluding thesis of our “Evolution of Sex” (1889) since elaborated in various ways by Drummond, by Kropotkin and others. It is that the general progress both of the animal and plant world, and notably the great uplifts [our emphasis], must be viewed not simply as individual but very largely in terms of sex and parenthood, of family and association; and hence of gregarious flocks and herds, of cooperative packs, of evolving tribes, and thus ultimately of civilized societies. . . .’

“The idea did not catch general scientific attention despite thc emphasis placed on such an interpretation by Delage and Goldsmith (1912), Reinheimer (1913, 1920), and William Patten, who in 1920 made the cooperative principle the central point in his ‘grand strategy of evolution.’ The neglect continues despite the repeated emphasis given by William Morton Wheeler (1923, 1930), despite my own summaries of supporting evidence and the more recent adoption of this point of view by Emerson (1942), Gerard (1942) and others whose opinions should carry weight.”

We have emphasized the phrase, “and notably the great uplifts,” as this seems to prefigure the notion of “punctuated equlibrium.”
The concepts of distribution and succession in social ecology
October 1932. MUKERJEE, R. Social Forces 11(1):1–7.
“The variety of food, plants and of animals and the manifold uses to which these may be put by man’s growing intelligence and experience govern materially the economic method and the social life of the communities concerned. The cumulative effects of climate, food, and type of labor evolve the population type which can best utilize the resources of the region. The food and the standard of living are adapted to climate and ecological resources. There is established a sociophysiological balance between man’s normal output and expenditure of energy and the natural store of energy he draws upon. Again, in the same region there is always a certain natural dependence upon one another of different economic types that may coexist, forestry, pastoral industry, agriculture, manufacture and trade. We are here introduced to the idea of social symbiosis. There is a certain amount of hostility among the various parts within the life community of a region, but a process of selection goes on till approximate reciprocal adjustment is attained, and the parts live in symbiosis” (5).
Mukerjee cites page 32 of his own book, Regional Sociology, as the basis of this passage, but it seems apparent that he is familiar with Reinheimer (1920).

All Material (excepting citations) Copyright © 2007 The Institute of Sociophysiology and Editions MSS